Thursday, December 1, 2011

Small Gestures

I heart small gestures. And thankfully, throughout childhood to adult life, I've been surrounded by amazing people who have always somehow done little things to says, hey, I've been thinkin' about ya. From family and friends alike. I'm so blessed to have the people I do in my life. And I really cannot thank them enough. 

Christmas time reminds me of a time during Christmas exams. A friend left a good luck card on my desk at the library at school... where I was studying. Waiting for the moment I stepped away from my desk to purposely place the card on my books before I came back. And then to come home from late night study sessions to find a slice of cheesecake in my fridge from another friend. Who had so thoughtfully dropped it off while I was at school studying. On the box, she wrote "Happy studying!".

Or how about that time a couple of my friends took a 6-hour bus ride to Kelowna, braving the winter snow storm in the cold of February to visit me while I was on my pharmacy internship rotation.... just to deliver bubbletea? 

The countless times friends have dropped by work to say hi or to hand me a coffee or sweets (and trust me, my work is not "on the way" to anywhere.. here or back in Victoria).

Last week, a friend burnt me a CD. Unexpectedly. 

I heart small gestures. In my heart, they're far from small. 

So why bring this up now? December, to me, is the month for family and friends. Christmas... whether you believe it's become completely commercialized or not... whether you believe it's "not the same" as when you were a kid or not... to me, it's still about family and friends. We all make a point to stop and think about each other, one way or another. 

It's December first. To my friends and family, I've been thinking about you. 

I wish I could return all the gestures. I can hope to try. So, to start of December properly, I gave Kat and Maria both an advent calendar.  I haven't had an advent calendar since probably elementary grade school. Until last year. A coworker bought one and we all shared it. We were like arguing about who gets which date. I hope that even in our adult lives, we continue to receive and give these small gestures that give us if even for a second, something little to smile about. 

Camera phone. Not to shabby, eh?

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