Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Good Day

 This is one of my favorite places. Can you guess where it is? Where half the people there are holding cameras and photographing every food and fruit stand while the other half of the people are running after children or walking dogs. I'm of course of the former. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. People were asking me all day yesterday, "It's going to rain. What are you doing tomorrow?". I'm not so sure, I told everyone. But the moment I saw the sun peek out, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. It gets pretty busy when the weather is nice. Luckily, it was a relatively quiet day today. I seem to rarely get to spend time alone, which I actually consider a good thing. I love company. But on these rare occasions when it's just my camera and I, I enjoy them just the same.

It's funny that there are so many photos of birds. I hate birds. I really hate birds. Even when I was scrolling through these photos I took today, I couldn't help but cringe when I'm on a bird photo. It's really as strange as it sounds. I really can't explain it. I've never been attacked by a bird. Something about them that makes me think they're creepy. Regardless though, in the above photos, the little black bird with the orange trimmings is gorgeous. I also love the very last photo of the seagull in flight... its wings appear almost translucent with the sunset light.

The third last photo is one of my favorite of the day. Only because the moment was perfect. The sun was setting. The air was crisp. This family must have just finished their grocery shopping at the market. They were enjoying their stroll outside just as much as I was. The little boy was dancing and playing amongst the flock of birds on the ground. And even once they've flown away, there was still a happy skip in his steps.

I indulge a little on my days off. I treated myself to a pumpkin seed and fruit granola bar from La Baguette et L'Echolate. It was packed with pumpkin seeds, apricots, cranberries, oats, and honey. Don't let it fool you to think it's super healthy, because with one bite, you'll know that it's truly decadent. But oh, was it good... As I looked up from taking that photo, I noticed a man watching me... and walked away laughing. I suppose it may have looked funny watching someone take a bite out of their food and take a picture of it. At least... I hope that was the reason he was laughing at me.

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